Rheinland Pfalz
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.10129, Longitude: 8.00209
Location Information
Bad Bergzabern is a town in South West Germany approx 30km north west of Karlsruhe.
From the A65 Mannheim to Karlsruhe motorway take exit 20 (Ausfahrt 20) WÖRTH / KANDEL / KARLSRUHE / BAD BERGZABERN and follow direction L548 BAD BERGZABERN (road name changes to B427)for approx 14kms, road name hen changes to KAPELLERSTRAßE.
Turn left at the second roundabout onto WEINSTRAßE and continue for approx 200m then turn left onto FRIEDHOFSTRAßE.
After approx 100m the main entrance to the cemetery can be found on the right. CWGC headstones are located on the left of the central path at the top of the hill.
Identified World War One Commonwealth Burials: 2.
German War Burials: 899 World World Two, 4 from World War One and 186 graves unknown
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels
Leonard Stopford Brooke
110th Squadron, Royal Air Force
25th September 1918, aged 23.
Son of Leslie and Sybil Brooke, of 14, Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood, London. Gazetted to King's Royal Rifle Corps in March, 1915. Served in France with Army Cyclist Corps Nov., 1915-March, 1917. Born in London.
His headstone bears the inscription "Son Of Leslie & Sybil Brooke. Strong In Faith Giving Glory To God"
Leonard Stopford Brooke
110th Squadron, Royal Air Force
25th September 1918, aged 23.
Son of Leslie and Sybil Brooke, of 14, Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood, London. Gazetted to King's Royal Rifle Corps in March, 1915. Served in France with Army Cyclist Corps Nov., 1915-March, 1917. Born in London.
His headstone bears the inscription "Son Of Leslie & Sybil Brooke. Strong In Faith Giving Glory To God"
Other Burial Details
Second Lieutenant Alexander Provan, 110th Squadron, Royal Air Force, died 25th September 1918, aged 19. Son of David and Lizzie Provan, of 409, Langholm St. (formerly 2, Walter St.), Yoker, Glasgow. Born at Paisley. His Headstone bears the inscription "Rest In The Lord"
Second Lieutenant Alexander Provan, 110th Squadron, Royal Air Force, died 25th September 1918, aged 19. Son of David and Lizzie Provan, of 409, Langholm St. (formerly 2, Walter St.), Yoker, Glasgow. Born at Paisley. His Headstone bears the inscription "Rest In The Lord"