GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.68247 Longitude: 3.31767
Location Information
Estaimbourg Churchyard is located 10 km north of Tournai on the N510 rue de Lonnoy, a road leading from the N50 connecting Tournai to Kortrijk.
10 km north of Tournai lies the village of Pecq and the left hand turning onto the N510 towards Estaimbourg.
1 km along the N510 lies the village of Estiambourg and the village churchyard which is located on the left hand side of the road.
Visiting Information
Visitors should note that this site is restricted to normal cemetery opening hours.
Wheelchair access possible via main entrance.
Historical Information
Estaimbourg Churchyard contains six Commonwealth burials of the First World War, three of which were due to a direct hit on nearby billets of the 23rd Lancashire Fusiliers in November 1918. The six Second World War burials (one of them unidentified) date from May 1940 and the withdrawal of the British Expeditionary Force ahead of the German advance.
Total Burials: 12.
World War One identified Casualties: United Kingdom 6. Total 6.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 5.
World War Two Unitentified Casualty: 1.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem
Estaimbourg Churchyard is located 10 km north of Tournai on the N510 rue de Lonnoy, a road leading from the N50 connecting Tournai to Kortrijk.
10 km north of Tournai lies the village of Pecq and the left hand turning onto the N510 towards Estaimbourg.
1 km along the N510 lies the village of Estiambourg and the village churchyard which is located on the left hand side of the road.
Visiting Information
Visitors should note that this site is restricted to normal cemetery opening hours.
Wheelchair access possible via main entrance.
Historical Information
Estaimbourg Churchyard contains six Commonwealth burials of the First World War, three of which were due to a direct hit on nearby billets of the 23rd Lancashire Fusiliers in November 1918. The six Second World War burials (one of them unidentified) date from May 1940 and the withdrawal of the British Expeditionary Force ahead of the German advance.
Total Burials: 12.
World War One identified Casualties: United Kingdom 6. Total 6.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 5.
World War Two Unitentified Casualty: 1.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem