By Nicholas Philpot
Hurst, Sidney C: The Silent Cities, 1929 (An illustrated guide, with maps & directions to the cemeteries & memorials in France & Belgium: the book that inspired the founders of the website)
The Times: War Graves of the Empire, 1928 (Reproduction of a special number of the newspaper, published for the tenth anniversary of the Armistice; many early photos, including Gallipoli, Mesopotamia etc)
Geurst, Jeroen: The Cemeteries of the Great War by Sir Edwin Lutyens, 2010 (An authoritative & comprehensive study of all aspects)
Skelton, T & Gliddon, G: Lutyens & the Great War, 2008 (A substantial study of cemeteries & memorials, in France,
Belgium & Britain, covering initial designs & unexecuted projects)
Belgium & Britain, covering initial designs & unexecuted projects)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission: Their Name Liveth, 6 volumes, 1954-68 (architectural photographs in B & W of the cemeteries of both World Wars)
Garfield, John: The Fallen, 1990 (A sequence of fine photographs of cemeteries & memorials)
Stamp, Gavin: The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, 2006 (An elegiac presentation of Thiepval)
Boorman, Derek: At the Going Down of the Sun, 1988 (A useful survey of the wide variety of memorials in Britain)
Archer, Geoff: The Glorious Dead: Figurative Sculpture of British First World War Memorials, 2009.
Stamp, Gavin: Silent Cities, 1977 (A booklet, by the curator of the celebrated photographic exhibition in London of Great War memorials & cemeteries; with notes on the architects employed, particularly valuable with respect to the
Assistant Architects)
Assistant Architects)
Baker, Herbert: Architecture & Personalities, 1944 (autobiographical; one of the Principal Architects)
Karol, Eitan: Charles Holden, 2007 (An architectural study, with substantial treatment of his work for the Imperial War Graves Commission, where he was an Assistant, & later the fourth Principal Architect)
Longworth, Philip: The Unending Vigil, 1967 (A history of the CWGC)
Gibson, E & Ward, GK: Courage Remembered, 1995 (about the construction & maintenance of Commonwealth
cemeteries & memorials)
cemeteries & memorials)
Borg, Alan: War Memorials, 1991 (A scholarly introduction to the subject)
Curl, J S: Death & Celebration, 2002 (includes a short discussion of war memorials & cemeteries in France, Germany & Italy)
Holt, Dean W: American Military Cemeteries, 1992 (includes a list with short details of those outside the USA)
Scharfe, Siegfried (ed.) : Deutschland Über Alles, 1940 (photos of German memorials & some cemeteries, from all over Europe, many no longer existing)
de Busscher, J-M: Les Folies de l’Industrie, 1981 (A thoughtful, illustrated study, in French, of memorials & a few
cemeteries of the different nations in France & Belgium
cemeteries of the different nations in France & Belgium
Sherman, Daniel J: The Construction of Memory in Interwar France, 1999 (A perspective on the manner of
commemoration, & of its effects)
commemoration, & of its effects)
D’Arcy, F. A.: Remembering the War Dead: British, Commonwealth and International War Graves in Ireland since 1914, Dublin 2007 (with maps & full index).