GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 28.61307, Longitude: 77.22945
Location Information
The Delhi Memorial (India Gate) stands at the eastern end of the Rajpath, or Kingsway.
Visiting Information
16/11/2013: Please note that outside of the hours 09.00 - 17.00 it is only possible to get within 100 metres of the memorial, this is due to security arrangements in Delhi. Access to read the names on the memorial is therefore restricted.
Historical Information
Of the 13,220 Commonwealth servicemen commemorated by name on the memorial, just over 1,000 lie in cemeteries to the west of the River Indus, where maintenance was not possible. The remainder died in fighting on or beyond the North West Frontier and during the Third Afghan War, and have no known grave.
The Delhi Memorial also acts as a national memorial to all the 70,000 soldiers of undivided India who died during the years 1914-1921, the majority of whom are commemorated by name outside the confines of India.
The memorial was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. It was unveiled by Lord Irwin on 12 February 1931.
Commemorated on the Memorial: India 12, 260, United Kingdom 959, Australia 1. Total 13,220.
9908, Private, William Henry Holliday, 1st Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment), believed to have died from Influenza in India on 29th October 1918. He was buried Peshawar (Right) B.C. XLV. 22 but the cemetery is now lost. Born Denver, Downham Market, Norfolk, Enlisted Norwich, Residence Denver.
William had two brothers who also fell, Francis Henry who is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial and Charles Henry who is buried at Guards' Cemetery at Lesboeufs.
Information courtesy of Ian Paul Holliday (Great Great Nephew)
The Delhi Memorial (India Gate) stands at the eastern end of the Rajpath, or Kingsway.
Visiting Information
16/11/2013: Please note that outside of the hours 09.00 - 17.00 it is only possible to get within 100 metres of the memorial, this is due to security arrangements in Delhi. Access to read the names on the memorial is therefore restricted.
Historical Information
Of the 13,220 Commonwealth servicemen commemorated by name on the memorial, just over 1,000 lie in cemeteries to the west of the River Indus, where maintenance was not possible. The remainder died in fighting on or beyond the North West Frontier and during the Third Afghan War, and have no known grave.
The Delhi Memorial also acts as a national memorial to all the 70,000 soldiers of undivided India who died during the years 1914-1921, the majority of whom are commemorated by name outside the confines of India.
The memorial was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. It was unveiled by Lord Irwin on 12 February 1931.
Commemorated on the Memorial: India 12, 260, United Kingdom 959, Australia 1. Total 13,220.
9908, Private, William Henry Holliday, 1st Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment), believed to have died from Influenza in India on 29th October 1918. He was buried Peshawar (Right) B.C. XLV. 22 but the cemetery is now lost. Born Denver, Downham Market, Norfolk, Enlisted Norwich, Residence Denver.
William had two brothers who also fell, Francis Henry who is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial and Charles Henry who is buried at Guards' Cemetery at Lesboeufs.
Information courtesy of Ian Paul Holliday (Great Great Nephew)
Images in gallery below used with the permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Henry John Andrews V. C. M. B. E.
Captain Eustace Jotham, V. C.
Image above © Scott Wallace (Used with permission)
Image above © Scott Wallace (Used with permission)
Lieutenant William David Kenny, V. C.
16593 Private
Harry Fleming
1st South Lancashire Regiment
Died of Cholera 14th July 1919.
Face 23.
(Buried Nowshera Mil. Cem. B. 22.).
Lived at 7 Craven Place, Burnley, Lancashire.
Harry Fleming
1st South Lancashire Regiment
Died of Cholera 14th July 1919.
Face 23.
(Buried Nowshera Mil. Cem. B. 22.).
Lived at 7 Craven Place, Burnley, Lancashire.