GPS Coordinates Latitude: 48.48219 Longitude: 2.35337
Location Information
La Ferté-Alais is a large village in the Essonne region of France. The communal cemetery is located to the east of the village.
History Information
La Ferté-Alais Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War.
La Ferté-Alais is a large village in the Essonne region of France. The communal cemetery is located to the east of the village.
History Information
La Ferté-Alais Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War.
Images in this gallery © Christine Da Costa
M2/192234 Private
William Brown
Royal Army Service Corps
died 12th May 1919, aged 37.
Husband of Nellie Brown, of 23, Johnson Rd., Erdington, Birmingham.
Picture is of William and his wife Nellie outside their house.
William was travelling back home to the U. K. when tragically he fell out the train near the village and was killed.
William Brown
Royal Army Service Corps
died 12th May 1919, aged 37.
Husband of Nellie Brown, of 23, Johnson Rd., Erdington, Birmingham.
Picture is of William and his wife Nellie outside their house.
William was travelling back home to the U. K. when tragically he fell out the train near the village and was killed.