1916: 1918: A WAR LIKE NO OTHER
By Bob Scott
1916: 1918. A WAR like NO OTHER?
Epic days unknown lie ahead, But at what unbearable cost
No Battle’s like these! Left that of Enemy’s scorned
Heavy of that, the enemy’s munitions gave such a pounding
That rained down on our Allied Forces great.
New milestones reached. This 21st day of March that year
As German armies, laid down a serious off offensive attacks
To push the Allies in retreat weigh beyond the Western Front.
A Victory they thought would ensue
But there lack the success at Battle of Arras
Thwarted in their thrust, by that of British and Australians contingences too.
Cracks appear, as breakdown in German morale set’s in
Spent supplies, their troops taking punishment, defeat after defeat
Allies decided the advantage was theirs.
More attacks mounted, by our various Allies
Along the flanks from west to east
Allies from around the Globe.
Canadians, Australians, French, the Americans too. Not forgetting Contingence all.
Those from the sub Continence who’s support much relied upon
Cavalry, Armoured Brigades, anything that moved.
Fresh faced young troops. Many hidden by their real ages
Sixteen years old so it is thought,
A pretence that of eighteen years in disguise.
Along with their battle harden worriers
Would end up paying the Ultimate Sacrifice
As unknown of what lies ahead.
As human walls, that of hundreds of our Allies fell
More move forward to re-build that human wall, stubbornness of no defeat
As the Imperial German army, blocked and stumbled.
Desertion and disillusionment set in, tired and weary unable to assert their defeat
As overrun by Allies troops and that of their armoured divisions
German High Command, had no choice! Other than to capitulate.
At last on this Day?
The Armistice was signed. 11th Hour, of the 11th Day of the 11th Month – Year 1918.
Copyright © Bob Scott. 20/02/2018.
Epic days unknown lie ahead, But at what unbearable cost
No Battle’s like these! Left that of Enemy’s scorned
Heavy of that, the enemy’s munitions gave such a pounding
That rained down on our Allied Forces great.
New milestones reached. This 21st day of March that year
As German armies, laid down a serious off offensive attacks
To push the Allies in retreat weigh beyond the Western Front.
A Victory they thought would ensue
But there lack the success at Battle of Arras
Thwarted in their thrust, by that of British and Australians contingences too.
Cracks appear, as breakdown in German morale set’s in
Spent supplies, their troops taking punishment, defeat after defeat
Allies decided the advantage was theirs.
More attacks mounted, by our various Allies
Along the flanks from west to east
Allies from around the Globe.
Canadians, Australians, French, the Americans too. Not forgetting Contingence all.
Those from the sub Continence who’s support much relied upon
Cavalry, Armoured Brigades, anything that moved.
Fresh faced young troops. Many hidden by their real ages
Sixteen years old so it is thought,
A pretence that of eighteen years in disguise.
Along with their battle harden worriers
Would end up paying the Ultimate Sacrifice
As unknown of what lies ahead.
As human walls, that of hundreds of our Allies fell
More move forward to re-build that human wall, stubbornness of no defeat
As the Imperial German army, blocked and stumbled.
Desertion and disillusionment set in, tired and weary unable to assert their defeat
As overrun by Allies troops and that of their armoured divisions
German High Command, had no choice! Other than to capitulate.
At last on this Day?
The Armistice was signed. 11th Hour, of the 11th Day of the 11th Month – Year 1918.
Copyright © Bob Scott. 20/02/2018.