By Bob Scott
Yes the title is small
But its meaning is larger than you will ever know
World War One seriously under strength
What can be done to bolster these figures?
A plan was hatched at the highest level
This was later to become known
As Kitchener’s Boys started in Liverpool
But it soon caught on, as is said simple Ideas are the best
A promise to keep Pals together! That was the quest
Recruitment started from all walks of life
Where ever a group of Pals existed
Working men’s clubs: on the sports field too
From Banks to the Butchers shop and its customers too
Miners; Farmers there staff too, the Manor house grand
All answered the call, Villages and towns across this land
With a promise! Pals: Buddies: Mates and Colleagues too
Call us what you like together we were one, in for the long haul
Erie silence fell across this land
As Mothers Aunties Sister Daughters too
Were left to support this land fearful in knowledge
Of what destruction to families this might cause
As vast numbers swelled, there ranks
They joined the British Expeditionary Force
In France and Belgium to fight and die
Such a group was Sussex Downs men
Or better known as Pals Battalions, One two and three
Men of the Royal Sussex Regiment
Who would pay dearly with their lives?
For the Battle of Boars Head they would fight
A real introduction to fighting from the trenches
The day before the Battle of the Somme
A diversionary force to be! But unknown to them
Their plight to wreak havoc in the enemy’s front line
Hours they fought with great distinction
As the front they had captured! Then the tide turned
Losses were great amongst the Pals
Still acts of bravery were committed on the battlefield
Bodies of their Pals recovered and wounded too
Under intense fire from the enemy made no difference
Few men would become men of great distinction
But paying the ultimate price! Their life
To save their there Pals
A Posthumous V.C. Awarded to CSM. Nelson Victor Carson
For his outstanding Acts of Bravery
Pals twelve sets of Brothers
Of whom three were from the same Family
So young people of today in this turbulent world of today
Whilst you play with your Hi Tech gadgets
Remember your family Ancestors with Pride
For tomorrow this just might be you, A Pal
Dedicated to the Men of the Royal Sussex Regiment
Who fought at Richebourg 30th June 1916?
The Battle of Boars Head
Yes the title is small
But its meaning is larger than you will ever know
World War One seriously under strength
What can be done to bolster these figures?
A plan was hatched at the highest level
This was later to become known
As Kitchener’s Boys started in Liverpool
But it soon caught on, as is said simple Ideas are the best
A promise to keep Pals together! That was the quest
Recruitment started from all walks of life
Where ever a group of Pals existed
Working men’s clubs: on the sports field too
From Banks to the Butchers shop and its customers too
Miners; Farmers there staff too, the Manor house grand
All answered the call, Villages and towns across this land
With a promise! Pals: Buddies: Mates and Colleagues too
Call us what you like together we were one, in for the long haul
Erie silence fell across this land
As Mothers Aunties Sister Daughters too
Were left to support this land fearful in knowledge
Of what destruction to families this might cause
As vast numbers swelled, there ranks
They joined the British Expeditionary Force
In France and Belgium to fight and die
Such a group was Sussex Downs men
Or better known as Pals Battalions, One two and three
Men of the Royal Sussex Regiment
Who would pay dearly with their lives?
For the Battle of Boars Head they would fight
A real introduction to fighting from the trenches
The day before the Battle of the Somme
A diversionary force to be! But unknown to them
Their plight to wreak havoc in the enemy’s front line
Hours they fought with great distinction
As the front they had captured! Then the tide turned
Losses were great amongst the Pals
Still acts of bravery were committed on the battlefield
Bodies of their Pals recovered and wounded too
Under intense fire from the enemy made no difference
Few men would become men of great distinction
But paying the ultimate price! Their life
To save their there Pals
A Posthumous V.C. Awarded to CSM. Nelson Victor Carson
For his outstanding Acts of Bravery
Pals twelve sets of Brothers
Of whom three were from the same Family
So young people of today in this turbulent world of today
Whilst you play with your Hi Tech gadgets
Remember your family Ancestors with Pride
For tomorrow this just might be you, A Pal
Dedicated to the Men of the Royal Sussex Regiment
Who fought at Richebourg 30th June 1916?
The Battle of Boars Head