By Bob Scott
Out of the shadows at dawn. As nightfall lifts behind you
Many of those shadows soon begin to fade away
As skeletons of their former selves, they too soon become.
“Oh” family please remember me
As I leave all this hell behind me
And head for that of heaven’s door.
The queue is long, but time is of little consequence
For the good and compassionate
As that, of this earthly world we leave.
Pain of shells and bullets left far behind
Suffering no longer this earthly madness
For that on earth, all prevails.
Tell others in far flung lands
We did this for all, for freedom and that of democracy too
That on earth, in peace all might dwell.
Out of the shadows at dawn. As nightfall lifts behind you
Many of those shadows soon begin to fade away
As skeletons of their former selves, they too soon become.
“Oh” family please remember me
As I leave all this hell behind me
And head for that of heaven’s door.
The queue is long, but time is of little consequence
For the good and compassionate
As that, of this earthly world we leave.
Pain of shells and bullets left far behind
Suffering no longer this earthly madness
For that on earth, all prevails.
Tell others in far flung lands
We did this for all, for freedom and that of democracy too
That on earth, in peace all might dwell.