GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.16341, Longitude: 3.43538
Location Information
Quiévy is a village 15 kilometres east of Cambrai and about 7 kilometres north of Caudry. The Cemetery is situated east of the village on a minor road to Viesly.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access to this cemetery is possible with some difficulty.
The register is available in the Mairie from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 12.30 and Friday from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 16.30
Historical Information
Quievy Communal Cemetery Extension was made by German troops, and carried on by the 62nd (West Riding) Division after the capture of the village in October 1918.
The extension contains 89 Commonwealth, 102 German and three French burials of the Great War.
The cemetery was designed by William Harrison Cowlishaw
Total Burials: 194.
Commonwealth Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 87.
Commonwealth Unidentified Casualties: United Kingdom 2.
German Identified Casualties: 75.
German Unidentified Casualties: 27.
Other Nationalities: France 3.
Images in gallery below © Johan Pauwels
480126 Corporal
Stanley Auty
457th Field Coy. Royal Engineers
23rd October 1918, aged 25.
Row A. 3.
Son of the late Fredrick and Jessie Auty, of Leeds; husband of Annie Ridley Tomlinson (formerly Auty), of 13, Falmouth Grove, South Accommodation Rd., Hunslet, Leeds.
His headstone bears the inscription; "Till We Meet Again."
Stanley Auty
457th Field Coy. Royal Engineers
23rd October 1918, aged 25.
Row A. 3.
Son of the late Fredrick and Jessie Auty, of Leeds; husband of Annie Ridley Tomlinson (formerly Auty), of 13, Falmouth Grove, South Accommodation Rd., Hunslet, Leeds.
His headstone bears the inscription; "Till We Meet Again."
64579 Private
Alfred Hancock
2nd Bn. Suffolk Regiment
23rd October 1918.
Plot A. 2.
Alfred Hancock
2nd Bn. Suffolk Regiment
23rd October 1918.
Plot A. 2.
28550 Driver
William Hoare
"C" Bty. 75th Bde. Royal Field Artillery
20th October 1918, aged 26.
Row C. 68.
Son of Benjamin Hoare, of Abertillery.
William Hoare
"C" Bty. 75th Bde. Royal Field Artillery
20th October 1918, aged 26.
Row C. 68.
Son of Benjamin Hoare, of Abertillery.
52641 Private
George Thomas Kirk
1st/8th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers
23rd October 1918.
Row A. 19.
George Thomas Kirk
1st/8th Bn. Lancashire Fusiliers
23rd October 1918.
Row A. 19.
Second Lieutenant
James Martin Tolson
"A" Bty. 74th Bde. Royal Field Artillery
20th October 1918, aged 20.
Row C. 51.
Son of Whiteley and Jessy Tolson, of Oaklands, Dalton, Huddersfield.
James Martin Tolson
"A" Bty. 74th Bde. Royal Field Artillery
20th October 1918, aged 20.
Row C. 51.
Son of Whiteley and Jessy Tolson, of Oaklands, Dalton, Huddersfield.