GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.3784, Longitude: 3.62578
Location Information
The village of Vieil-Arcy is approximately 21 kilometres east of Soissons, just south of the River Aisne, on the D22, north-east of Brazne. The Communal cemetery is off the centre of the village.
Historical Information
Vieil-Arcy Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War. The grave is located in the East quarter.
The village of Vieil-Arcy is approximately 21 kilometres east of Soissons, just south of the River Aisne, on the D22, north-east of Brazne. The Communal cemetery is off the centre of the village.
Historical Information
Vieil-Arcy Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War. The grave is located in the East quarter.
Images in gallery below © Werner Van Caneghem
Lieutenant Colonel
Charles Dalton, (Mentioned in Despatches)
Royal Army Medical Corps
18th September 1914, aged 48.
Charles Dalton, (Mentioned in Despatches)
Royal Army Medical Corps
18th September 1914, aged 48.