GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.00822, Longitude: 2.32053
Location Information
Villers-Bocage is a village 12 kilometres north of Amiens on the road to Doullens. Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery Extension is about 1.5 kilometres north of the village, and a little distance north of the secondary road from Villers-Bocage to Rubempre. Commonwealth War Graves Commission signposts are located in the centre of the village.
The Communal Cemetery Extension contains 60 Commonwealth burials from the First World War and 2 Commonwealth burials from the Second World War.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access to this cemetery is possible, but may be by an alternative entrance.
Historical Information
The 51st (Highland) Casualty Clearing Station was posted near the village in April and May 1916. The extension to the south side of the communal cemetery was begun in October 1915 and used until February 1917.
The extension contains 60 Commonwealth burials of the First World War. There are also two Second World War burials.
The extension was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and George Hartley Goldsmith
Total Burials: 62.
World War One Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 59, Australia 1. Total 60.
World War Two Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 2.
Images in gallery below © Geerhard Joos
15980 Corporal
Aaron Andrews
1st Bn. Devonshire Regiment attached to 6th Entrenching Bn.
11th November 1915, aged 31.
Row A. 3.
Son of James Scoble Andrews and Mary Ann Andrews, of Ermingtson, Ivybridge; husband of Annie M. Andrews (formerly Fox), of Peak Mill Cottage, Ivybridge, Devon.
Aaron Andrews
1st Bn. Devonshire Regiment attached to 6th Entrenching Bn.
11th November 1915, aged 31.
Row A. 3.
Son of James Scoble Andrews and Mary Ann Andrews, of Ermingtson, Ivybridge; husband of Annie M. Andrews (formerly Fox), of Peak Mill Cottage, Ivybridge, Devon.
99068 2nd Corporal
Johnson Atkin
214th Troops Company, Royal Engineers
15th May 1916, aged 37.
Row E. 7.
Son of the late William and Harriet Atkin, of Bridlington; husband of Violet Atkin, of 26, Narrow Lane, Coventry.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Life, In Death, O Lord Abide With Me"
Johnson Atkin
214th Troops Company, Royal Engineers
15th May 1916, aged 37.
Row E. 7.
Son of the late William and Harriet Atkin, of Bridlington; husband of Violet Atkin, of 26, Narrow Lane, Coventry.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Life, In Death, O Lord Abide With Me"
7686 Private
W. Drudge
1st/8th Bn. Royal Scots
24th November 1915, aged 20.
Row A. 6.
Son of George and Louisa Drudge, of 3, Kimber Cottages, Newport Rd., Ventnor, Isle of Wight.
His headstone bears the inscription "Peace Perfect Peace"
W. Drudge
1st/8th Bn. Royal Scots
24th November 1915, aged 20.
Row A. 6.
Son of George and Louisa Drudge, of 3, Kimber Cottages, Newport Rd., Ventnor, Isle of Wight.
His headstone bears the inscription "Peace Perfect Peace"
2768 Private
George Johnson
1st/7th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
15th January 1916, aged 27.
Row C. 2.
Son of Charles and Mary Johnson, of 66, Park Lane, Kidderminster.
His headstone bears the inscription "Peace Perfect Peace"
George Johnson
1st/7th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
15th January 1916, aged 27.
Row C. 2.
Son of Charles and Mary Johnson, of 66, Park Lane, Kidderminster.
His headstone bears the inscription "Peace Perfect Peace"
1822 Drummer
Archie MacCallum
1st/8th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd December 1915, aged 27.
Plot A. 9.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacCallum, of 5, Limekiln Rd., Tam's Brig, Ayr. Native of Campbeltown.
His headstone bears the inscription "Son Of Charles And Mary Johnson Of 66 Park Lane, Kidderminster"
Archie MacCallum
1st/8th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd December 1915, aged 27.
Plot A. 9.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacCallum, of 5, Limekiln Rd., Tam's Brig, Ayr. Native of Campbeltown.
His headstone bears the inscription "Son Of Charles And Mary Johnson Of 66 Park Lane, Kidderminster"