GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.17885, Longitude: 3.26084
Location Information
Cambrai is a town about 32 kilometres south-east of Arras on the main straight road to Le Cateau.
From the Cambrai inner ring road take the D942, Solesmes road, for approximately 1.5 kilometres to find the German Military Cemetery on the right hand side of the road.
Historical Information
Cambrai German Military Cemetery contains 10,685 German burials from World War One. The cemetery also contains 192 Russian soldiers and 6 Romanian soldiers.
Cambrai East Military Cemetery is located within the German cemetery and contains 501 Commonwealth burials.
Cambrai is a town about 32 kilometres south-east of Arras on the main straight road to Le Cateau.
From the Cambrai inner ring road take the D942, Solesmes road, for approximately 1.5 kilometres to find the German Military Cemetery on the right hand side of the road.
Historical Information
Cambrai German Military Cemetery contains 10,685 German burials from World War One. The cemetery also contains 192 Russian soldiers and 6 Romanian soldiers.
Cambrai East Military Cemetery is located within the German cemetery and contains 501 Commonwealth burials.