GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.10582, Longitude: 2.58548
Location Information
Courcelles-au-Bois is a village approximately 13 kilometres north of Albert.
Take the D129 out of Mailly Maillet in the direction of Colincamps, Courcelles. About 2.5 kilometres further on turn left on the C5 towards Courcelles. Turn right in the village of Courcelles-au-Bois following the CWGC sign, and the cemetery is about 100 metres further on the left.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access with some difficulty.
Historical Information
The extension was opened in October 1916 and used by field ambulances and fighting units until March 1917, when the German Army withdrew from the Ancre. It was used again in April 1918 during the German attack on Amiens. The village was in German hands for some months, but was retaken in August 1918.
There are now 115 First World War burials in the extension, including three brought in from the communal cemetery in 1934.
Total Burials: 115.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 105, New Zealand 5, South Africa 3, Canada 2. Total 115.
The extension was designed by Sir Frank Higginson.
27751 Corporal
Frederick Delappe Barnfield
10th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
12th February 1917, aged 22.
Row E. 13.
Son of Harry and Emily Barnfield, of 24, Load St., Bewdley, Worcestershire.
Frederick Delappe Barnfield
10th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
12th February 1917, aged 22.
Row E. 13.
Son of Harry and Emily Barnfield, of 24, Load St., Bewdley, Worcestershire.
45478 Private
Vincent Henry Condon
1st Bn. Canterbury Regiment, N. Z. E. F.
19th April 1918, aged 32.
Row F. 11.
Son of Arthur Henry and Clara Condon, of Awakino, New Zealand.
Vincent Henry Condon
1st Bn. Canterbury Regiment, N. Z. E. F.
19th April 1918, aged 32.
Row F. 11.
Son of Arthur Henry and Clara Condon, of Awakino, New Zealand.
Walter Hetherington Gordon
2nd Div. Ammunition Col. Canadian Field Artillery
30th October 1916
Row A. 16.
Walter Hetherington Gordon
2nd Div. Ammunition Col. Canadian Field Artillery
30th October 1916
Row A. 16.
24/2243 Rifleman
William Patrick Mason
4th Bn. 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade
5th April 1918, aged 22.
Row F. 8.
Son of James and Margaret Mason, of 53, Kent Terrace, Wellington. Born at Victoria Place, Wellington, New Zealand.
William Patrick Mason
4th Bn. 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade
5th April 1918, aged 22.
Row F. 8.
Son of James and Margaret Mason, of 53, Kent Terrace, Wellington. Born at Victoria Place, Wellington, New Zealand.
45935 Private
Peter James Trainor
"B" Coy. 1st Bn. Wellington Regiment, N. Z. E. F.
22nd April 1918, aged 24.
Row F. 12.
Son of Charles and Mary Trainor, of 19, Pitt St., Wanganui, New Zealand.
Peter James Trainor
"B" Coy. 1st Bn. Wellington Regiment, N. Z. E. F.
22nd April 1918, aged 24.
Row F. 12.
Son of Charles and Mary Trainor, of 19, Pitt St., Wanganui, New Zealand.
William Sinclair Tuck, Mentioned in Despatches
2nd Trench Mortar Bty. Canadian Field Artillery
30th October 1916, aged 23.
Row A. 15.
Nephew of William Sinclair Davis, of Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
William Sinclair Tuck, Mentioned in Despatches
2nd Trench Mortar Bty. Canadian Field Artillery
30th October 1916, aged 23.
Row A. 15.
Nephew of William Sinclair Davis, of Oakville, Ontario, Canada.