GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.97097 Longitude: 3.81574
Location Information
The village of Gijzenzele is located south-west of the town of Gent on the N42. From the motorway E40/A10, which runs between Oostende and Brussels, turn off at junction 17 onto the N42, direction Geraardsbergen. Take the first turning right into Schoolstraat, direction Gijzenzele. Follow this road into the village and the church is on the right. The graves are located to the right of the entrance.
Historical Information
Gijzenzeele Churchyard contains the grave of one Commonwealth airman of the First World War.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem
The village of Gijzenzele is located south-west of the town of Gent on the N42. From the motorway E40/A10, which runs between Oostende and Brussels, turn off at junction 17 onto the N42, direction Geraardsbergen. Take the first turning right into Schoolstraat, direction Gijzenzele. Follow this road into the village and the church is on the right. The graves are located to the right of the entrance.
Historical Information
Gijzenzeele Churchyard contains the grave of one Commonwealth airman of the First World War.
Pictures © Werner Van Caneghem
James Reid,
65th Squadron, Royal Air Force
died 4th November 1918, aged 29.
Croix de Guerre (France).
Son of Nathaniel and Sarah Jane Reid, of 8, 13th Street, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. Native of Ireland.
James Reid,
65th Squadron, Royal Air Force
died 4th November 1918, aged 29.
Croix de Guerre (France).
Son of Nathaniel and Sarah Jane Reid, of 8, 13th Street, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. Native of Ireland.