GPS Coordinates Latitude: 50.45457 Longitude: 4.8838
Location Information
The village of Jambes is located south of the town of Namur on the N92. From the motorway E411/A4, which runs between Namur and Brussels, turn off at junction 14 onto the N80 direction Namur. Follow the N80 to the junction with the N92 and turn left onto the N92 direction Dinant. When the road runs along by the river take the second turning left to Jambes and cross the river along avenue Bourg. At the crossroads go straight on into Jean Materne. Follow this road over two railway crossings and the cemetery is along on the right. The grave is located next to the war memorial a short distance from the entrance.
Historical Information
Jambes Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War.
Burial Details
22140 Private P. Byrne, 1st Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, died 18th November 1918.
Pictures in gallery below Johan Pauwels
The village of Jambes is located south of the town of Namur on the N92. From the motorway E411/A4, which runs between Namur and Brussels, turn off at junction 14 onto the N80 direction Namur. Follow the N80 to the junction with the N92 and turn left onto the N92 direction Dinant. When the road runs along by the river take the second turning left to Jambes and cross the river along avenue Bourg. At the crossroads go straight on into Jean Materne. Follow this road over two railway crossings and the cemetery is along on the right. The grave is located next to the war memorial a short distance from the entrance.
Historical Information
Jambes Communal Cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the First World War.
Burial Details
22140 Private P. Byrne, 1st Bn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, died 18th November 1918.
Pictures in gallery below Johan Pauwels
Pictures in gallery below © André De Smet