GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.12426, Longitude: 3.54819
Location Information
Montay is a village approximately 1 kilometre north of Le Cateau. The British Cemetery lies approximately 1 kilometre north-east of the village centre.
Take the D932, Croix Caluyau road, for 800 metres from its junction with the D955 to find the Cemetery on the right side of the road.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access possible via main entrance.
Historical Information
Montay was reached by Commonwealth forces on 10 October 1918. The cemetery was made by the 38th (Welsh) Division and the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and contains the graves of those killed between 22 October-1 November 1918.
Montay British Cemetery contains 41 First World War burials.
Total Burials: 41.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 40.
The cemetery was designed by W H Cowlishaw
Cemetery images in this gallery © Werner Van Caneghem
96530 Private
Albert Litherland
4th Bn. The King's (Liverpool Regiment)
25th October 1918.
Row A. 3.
Albert Litherland
4th Bn. The King's (Liverpool Regiment)
25th October 1918.
Row A. 3.