GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.081, Longitude: 3.12509
Location Information
Villers-Plouich is a village in the Department of the Nord, 2 kilometres north of Gouzeacourt which is 19 kilometres north-east of Peronne on the D917 and 16 kilometres south-west of Cambrai (N44/D917).
This small Cemetery is signposted to the left as you pass the Villers Plouich Mairie on the D56 from direction Gouzeaucourt. It lies 500 metres past this signpost as you ascend a small unmarked road which eventually would lead to the hamlet Beaucamp.
Visiting Information
The location or design of this site makes wheelchair access impossible.
Historical Information
Villers-Plouich was captured in April 1917, by the 13th East Surreys, lost in March 1918 and regained at the end of the following September, when the 1st East Surreys were the first troops to enter the village. It was later "adopted" by the Borough of Wandsworth.
There are 51, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, 3 are unidentified.
The cemetery covers an area of 257 square metres and is enclosed on three sides by a low rubble wall.
Total Burials: 51.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 48. Total 48.
Villers-Plouich is a village in the Department of the Nord, 2 kilometres north of Gouzeacourt which is 19 kilometres north-east of Peronne on the D917 and 16 kilometres south-west of Cambrai (N44/D917).
This small Cemetery is signposted to the left as you pass the Villers Plouich Mairie on the D56 from direction Gouzeaucourt. It lies 500 metres past this signpost as you ascend a small unmarked road which eventually would lead to the hamlet Beaucamp.
Visiting Information
The location or design of this site makes wheelchair access impossible.
Historical Information
Villers-Plouich was captured in April 1917, by the 13th East Surreys, lost in March 1918 and regained at the end of the following September, when the 1st East Surreys were the first troops to enter the village. It was later "adopted" by the Borough of Wandsworth.
There are 51, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, 3 are unidentified.
The cemetery covers an area of 257 square metres and is enclosed on three sides by a low rubble wall.
Total Burials: 51.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 48. Total 48.
Wales Z/835 Able Seaman
Horace Clarke
Nelson Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
4th January 1918, aged 20.
Row B. 6.
Son of William and Alice Clarke, of 9, Gloucester St., Stroud, Glos. Native of Bath, Somerset.
Horace Clarke
Nelson Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
4th January 1918, aged 20.
Row B. 6.
Son of William and Alice Clarke, of 9, Gloucester St., Stroud, Glos. Native of Bath, Somerset.
R/2104 Able Seaman
Alexander Wood Doig
Drake Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
24th December 1917, aged 20.
Row A. 37.
Son of W. S. and Jean A. Doig, of 199, Perth Rd., Dundee.
His headstone bears the inscription; "Until The Day Dawns & The Shadows Flee Away."
Alexander Wood Doig
Drake Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
24th December 1917, aged 20.
Row A. 37.
Son of W. S. and Jean A. Doig, of 199, Perth Rd., Dundee.
His headstone bears the inscription; "Until The Day Dawns & The Shadows Flee Away."
36213 Private
Albert William Holland
14th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
1st January 1918, aged 19.
Row A. 27.
Son of William and Elizabeth Holland, of 10, Council Houses, Wickhamford, Evesham.
His headstone bears the inscription; "He Was Loved By All Who Knew Him."
Albert William Holland
14th Bn. Worcestershire Regiment
1st January 1918, aged 19.
Row A. 27.
Son of William and Elizabeth Holland, of 10, Council Houses, Wickhamford, Evesham.
His headstone bears the inscription; "He Was Loved By All Who Knew Him."
R/1125 Able Seaman
Ernest Edward Matthews
Drake Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
2nd January 1918, aged 21.
Row B. 5.
Son of Mrs. Rosina Matthews, of Ivy Cottage, North End, Huntley, Gloucester.
Ernest Edward Matthews
Drake Bn. R.N. Div. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
2nd January 1918, aged 21.
Row B. 5.
Son of Mrs. Rosina Matthews, of Ivy Cottage, North End, Huntley, Gloucester.
763484 Lance Corporal
Frederick Gordon Woodhead
"A" Coy. 1st/28th Bn. London Regiment (Artists' Rifles)
31st December 1917, aged 31.
Row A. 42.
Son of Harry and Emma Jane Woodhead, of Bradford; husband of Mabel Woodhead, of 7, Leyland's Lane, Heaton, Bradford.
His headstone bears the inscription; "A Devoted And Dearly Loved Husband And Father."
Frederick Gordon Woodhead
"A" Coy. 1st/28th Bn. London Regiment (Artists' Rifles)
31st December 1917, aged 31.
Row A. 42.
Son of Harry and Emma Jane Woodhead, of Bradford; husband of Mabel Woodhead, of 7, Leyland's Lane, Heaton, Bradford.
His headstone bears the inscription; "A Devoted And Dearly Loved Husband And Father."