GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.17956, Longitude: 3.58366
Location Information
Vendegies-au-Bois is a small village in the Nord region of France. It is situated east of Cambrai, just off the D932 road between Bavray and Le Cateau. From the D932, take the D86 at Croix-Caluyau due north. This road will lead you into the village. Once you have entered the village, take a right turn and head towards the church. Both Vendegies-au-Bois British Cemetery and the churchyard are on the right hand side.
Visiting Information
The location or design of this cemetery makes wheelchair access impossible.
The register is available in the Mairie on Monday ; Tuesday ; Thursday and Friday from 14.00 to 16.30
Historical Information
Vendegies-au-Bois was captured by British troops on the 23rd October 1918. The Cemetery was made by the 21st Division.
There are 43,1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site (mainly of the 1st Lincolns and the 6th Leicesters, dating from October and November 1918). The Cemetery covers an area of 256 square metres and is enclosed by a brick wall.
Total Burials: 43.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 43.
The cemetery was designed by William Harrison Cowlishaw