GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 50.59959, Longitude: 5.88254
Location Information
The town of Verviers is situated to the east of Liege on the N61. From the motorway E42 turn off at junction 5 onto the N61 in the direction of Verviers. Follow the N61 into Verviers and through the town, follow the road along by the railway and at the second fork bear right into Rue de Cite (There is a sign to the Cimetiere at the junction). Follow the road which will take you to the cemetery gate. One of the graves to three casualties is in the Belgian Military Plot at the top of the hill whilst the other is in a private family vault in Plot P. From the main entrance walk along the main path to the second path on the right. Follow this path uphill to the roundabout. Go across the roundabout and take the path straight ahead. On entering the path there is another path to the right and the family vault is along here on the left. For the other grave return to the uphill to the T junction where there is a set of steps that takes you up to the Military Plot.
The headstone to the three casualties is behind the war memorial.
Historical Information
Verviers Communal Cemetery contains four Commonwealth burials of the First World War.
Burial Details
32672 Private A. Gilbert, 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regiment, died 28th November 1917.
WR/263585 Sapper Alexander Risk Lowe, Railway Operating Division, Royal Engineers, died 9th October 1919, aged 25. Son of Daniel and Helen Lowe, of Strathblane, Glasgow; husband of Euphemia Matheson Lowe, of Parklea Lodge, Blanefield, Stirlingshire.
G/363 Private W. Miller, 9th Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment, died 18th June 1918.
DM2/195545 Private Marcel Troupin, 6th M. T. Company, Army Service Corps, died 7th March 1917, aged 30. Born at Dison. Son of Mr. J. P. L. Troupin, of 18, Rue de Franchimontois, Andrimont, Belgium. (Buried in Family Vault)
Pictures in gallery below © Geerhard Joos
The town of Verviers is situated to the east of Liege on the N61. From the motorway E42 turn off at junction 5 onto the N61 in the direction of Verviers. Follow the N61 into Verviers and through the town, follow the road along by the railway and at the second fork bear right into Rue de Cite (There is a sign to the Cimetiere at the junction). Follow the road which will take you to the cemetery gate. One of the graves to three casualties is in the Belgian Military Plot at the top of the hill whilst the other is in a private family vault in Plot P. From the main entrance walk along the main path to the second path on the right. Follow this path uphill to the roundabout. Go across the roundabout and take the path straight ahead. On entering the path there is another path to the right and the family vault is along here on the left. For the other grave return to the uphill to the T junction where there is a set of steps that takes you up to the Military Plot.
The headstone to the three casualties is behind the war memorial.
Historical Information
Verviers Communal Cemetery contains four Commonwealth burials of the First World War.
Burial Details
32672 Private A. Gilbert, 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regiment, died 28th November 1917.
WR/263585 Sapper Alexander Risk Lowe, Railway Operating Division, Royal Engineers, died 9th October 1919, aged 25. Son of Daniel and Helen Lowe, of Strathblane, Glasgow; husband of Euphemia Matheson Lowe, of Parklea Lodge, Blanefield, Stirlingshire.
G/363 Private W. Miller, 9th Bn. Royal Sussex Regiment, died 18th June 1918.
DM2/195545 Private Marcel Troupin, 6th M. T. Company, Army Service Corps, died 7th March 1917, aged 30. Born at Dison. Son of Mr. J. P. L. Troupin, of 18, Rue de Franchimontois, Andrimont, Belgium. (Buried in Family Vault)
Pictures in gallery below © Geerhard Joos
Pictures in gallery below © Johan Pauwels