GPS Coordinates - Latitude: 49.89901, Longitude: 2.48442
Location Information
From Corbie take the D1 in the direction of Fouilloy-Amiens (A1 Paris) heading south. Leave the village of Corbie and travel through the village of Fouilloy, still on the D1 in the direction of Daours-Amiens A16. Leave Fouilloy and turn right 0.6 kilometres after leaving Fouilly in the direction of Aubigny, where the first CWGC signpost will be seen. The Cemetery is situated at the entrance of the village of Aubigny on the left hand side of the road.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access with some difficulty.
Historical Information
Aubigny British Cemetery was made by Australian units, mainly of the 54th-57th Battalions, in April-August 1918.
The cemetery was designed by William Harrison Cowlishaw
The cemetery contains 95 First World War burials, one of which is unidentified.
Total Burials: 95.
Identified Casualties: Australia 87, United Kingdom 7. Total 94.
Unidentified Casualty: Australia 1.
1918. The temporary cemetery at Aubigny near Amiens. The graves of Private T R Green (3rd right) and Private F Raynor (second right). On the far right is the grave of 596A Private James Woodlands of 54th Battalion Australian Infantry, of Port Macquarie NSW, who was killed in action on 12 April 1918. Note the flowers on all the graves.
These graves now make up row 'A' of the modern day cemetery.