Cabaret Rouge British Cemetery
Roll of Honour
K - R

James Kay
5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery
28th July 1917, aged 29.
Plot II. A. 1
Picture courtesy of step great-niece, Alana Farrell
James Kay
5th Canadian Siege Battery, Canadian Garrison Artillery
28th July 1917, aged 29.
Plot II. A. 1
Picture courtesy of step great-niece, Alana Farrell

11793 Lance Corporal
Harry Kettlety
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
7th August 1918, aged 32.
Plot VIII. K. 33.
Husband of Ethel Mary Kettlety, of 36, Jenkins St., Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent.
His headstone bears the inscription "Duty Nobly Done"
He joined the Grenadier Guards in 1914, although he was a serving Detective Constable in the Burslem Police in Staffordshire.
Picture courtesy of Great nephew, John Bradbury
Harry Kettlety
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
7th August 1918, aged 32.
Plot VIII. K. 33.
Husband of Ethel Mary Kettlety, of 36, Jenkins St., Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent.
His headstone bears the inscription "Duty Nobly Done"
He joined the Grenadier Guards in 1914, although he was a serving Detective Constable in the Burslem Police in Staffordshire.
Picture courtesy of Great nephew, John Bradbury

Robert Cecil Knott
28th Bn. attached to 20th Bn. (Tyneside Scottish), Northumberland Fusiliers
14th August 1916, aged 21.
Plot IV. C. 16.
Son of John Ellis Knott and Emma Jane Knott, of 13, Resham St., Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Robert Cecil Knott
28th Bn. attached to 20th Bn. (Tyneside Scottish), Northumberland Fusiliers
14th August 1916, aged 21.
Plot IV. C. 16.
Son of John Ellis Knott and Emma Jane Knott, of 13, Resham St., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

11369 Private
W. Linton
2nd Bn. Scots Guards
21st May 1915.
Plot VIII. J. 8.
W. Linton
2nd Bn. Scots Guards
21st May 1915.
Plot VIII. J. 8.

Alexander Hamilton Lockley
4th Sqdn. Australian Flying Corps
5th September 1918, aged 20.
Plot XV. M. 30.
Son of Edward Lockley, of Ridge St., Gordon, New South Wales, and the late Margaret Lockley. Born at Sydney.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Memory Of Sandy, Beloved Son Of E. M. Lockley, Gordon"
1331, 2nd Air Mechanic Alexander Hamilton Lockley, 2 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps. Later training as a pilot he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served with No 4 Squadron AFC. He was killed in action on 5 September 1918.
Alexander Hamilton Lockley
4th Sqdn. Australian Flying Corps
5th September 1918, aged 20.
Plot XV. M. 30.
Son of Edward Lockley, of Ridge St., Gordon, New South Wales, and the late Margaret Lockley. Born at Sydney.
His headstone bears the inscription "In Memory Of Sandy, Beloved Son Of E. M. Lockley, Gordon"
1331, 2nd Air Mechanic Alexander Hamilton Lockley, 2 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps. Later training as a pilot he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and served with No 4 Squadron AFC. He was killed in action on 5 September 1918.

Gerald Louis
19th M.T. Aux. Coy. Army Service Corps
22nd May 1916.
Picture courtesy of Margaret Rowling, cousin of widow Mary Collier Louis, later Jacobs.
Gerald Louis
19th M.T. Aux. Coy. Army Service Corps
22nd May 1916.
Picture courtesy of Margaret Rowling, cousin of widow Mary Collier Louis, later Jacobs.

John Martin, M. C.
"A" Coy. 8th/10th Bn. Gordon Highlanders
9th April 1917. aged 28.
Plot XVII. J. 48.
Son of James and Euphemia Carrick Barclay Martin. Born at Edinburgh.
Picture and information below provided by Gordon Caldecott
John Martin, M. C.
"A" Coy. 8th/10th Bn. Gordon Highlanders
9th April 1917. aged 28.
Plot XVII. J. 48.
Son of James and Euphemia Carrick Barclay Martin. Born at Edinburgh.
Picture and information below provided by Gordon Caldecott
John Martin was born in Edinburgh on the 28th November 1888, the son of James and Euphemia Carrack Barclay Martin. He was educated at Malvern College and Edinburgh University. He served in the College Cadet Corps as a Private for two years, then in the Officer Training Corps at University.
John joined the Army on the 14th August 1914, and was granted a temporary commission as 2Lt on the 26th August. In the Gordon Highlanders. He had also expressed an interest in the Cameron Highlanders and the Highland light Infantry. At his time of enlistment he was living at 13 Forbes Road, Edinburgh.
On enlistment the following details are given, Age 25. Height 72 ¼ inches. Chest max 38 min 36. Weight 168. Hearing good. Teeth up to standard. Vision 6/6. Colour vision normal. Described as fit. Promotion details. T 2/Lt “6th Aug 1914, Lt 10th June 1915, Capt 14th April 1916. Original served with the 8th Gordon Highlanders before the amalgamation into the 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders, on May the 11th 1916. He went to France on the 12th March 1915 and is listed as Capt in A Coy, on the 11th May 1916.
War Diary for the 30th Jan 1917.
On the night of the 29th/30th a raid was carried out by B and D Coys on the Butte De Warlencourt and the Quarry. At midnight the two assaulting Coys, clad in white smocks and with whitened steel helmets moved up into position along tapes which were laid the night previously by Capt Martin and Capt Priday. Lt Mutch was in command of B Coy with 2Lt Kemp, 2Lt Walker, 2lt Hafford. Lt Kenyon was in command of D Coy with 2Lt Knowles and 2Lt Farster. Some difficulty was experienced in getting the men into place, but this was accomplished safely, by 1.30 am. The German wire was all cut by artillery and gaps were made in our own. During all this time there was practically no shelling by either side. Prompt to a second to zero 1.45 am our artillery of all calibres placed an intense barrage on the enemy trench in front of Butte, stokes guns, medium trench mortars and machine guns assisted. Immediately the artillery started the assaulting waves (2) commenced to cross no mans land at zero +1 minute the barrage lifted at the rate of 50 yards per minute. Practically no opposition was offered to our advance with the exception of the left flank which was held up for a short time by a MG on the left of the quarry. The waves moved steadily forward and reached the Butte after 10 minutes. The ground was in a very bad condition and full of enormous craters. B Coys objective was the Butte and dugouts in it. The right of B Coy encountered a German post and held by six men that immediately surrendered. They then entered the Butte Trench and discovered a deep dugout and trench mortar emplacement with gun in position. This was destroyed and dugout bombed. The left flank and centre of B Coy saw no trench before reaching the Butte, there they discovered several dugouts. The occupants were called upon to surrender those in the first refused so several mills were throw in one or two P bombs and a stokes bomb were thrown in, wrecking the dugout and setting it on fire. One prisoner was got out of the second which was treated similarly to number one. In the third 12 prisoners were captured and it also was wrecked. D Coys objective was the Quarry. This was reached after a short time, owing to the activities of a machine gun on the left edge. This gun was knocked out and then the advance was continued to the Quarry. Her many Germans were discovered and killed. One dugout in the right hand corner was successfully bombed. Six prisoners were reported to have been captured, but they never reached our Adv Btn Hq. The whole raid was a great success in all 17 prisoners passed through our hands. According to all reports many casualties were inflicted on the enemy. Its calculated that these amount to 50 or 60 all told. Our casualties were slight amounting at the very outside to be 16 or 17. There were three Officers, two 2Lt Farster and 2Lt Walker slightly wounded and 2Lt Knowles missing believed killed. The enemy did not put up a fight at all. No barrage was placed on our lines and no SOS signal were seen. It is thought that owing to the quietness that they were absolutely deceived as to our intentions and no thought of our attack occurred to them. On the admission of one of the prisoners who spoke a little English, it came as a complete surprise. The following message was received from the Div. The GOC congratulates you and your brigade on the operation so successfully carried out.
Brig Gen Marshall adds. I wish to thank all ranks for the trouble taken in preparing for the raid, and gallantry displayed in the execution. About 3.15 am the dugouts on the Butte were blazing merrily at this hour an explosion occurred there and flames rose about 30 feet in the air, bombs and SAA were also heard exploding, at 10 am this morning the Butte was still smoking.
Capt Martin was awarded the Military Cross for this action, it appears in the London Gazette on the 12th March 1917. His citation reads,
`For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed marked courage and ability in organising the arrangements previous to a raid. Later, during the raid, he personally supervised the guiding of the assaulting troops`.
The Battle of Arras
At 2.30 am on the 9th April 1917, the Btn began to move forward to assembly trenches for the attack. The Btn was reported in position at 4.30 am, one hour before zero, no casualties having occurred and the enemy’s suspicions apparently not having been aroused. The position of the Btn as follows- A Coy under Capt John Martin MC, right front. B Coy under Capt W McCall, on the left front. D Coy under 2Lt B Burnett, in support. C Coy under Lt P Booth, in reserve. Strength Officers 20 OR`s 702.
At 5.30 am Zero our barrage opened with a thunder of sound and our support and reserve Coys moved out of their trenches. At 2 minutes in accordance with the plan, the front Coys climbed from their trenches and moved forward. The movement was made in perfect order, a tendency on the part of the men to follow our barrage too closely being the only problem calling for Officers control.
The enemy’s SOS signal was put up about 30 seconds after zero, and a field gun barrage was put down on our front line and communication trenches about 3 minutes later, causing a few casualties to C Coy before they got over the front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before opposition was passable. From this point until the taking of the 1st front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before forward behind the barrage with perfect steadiness and splendid courage. front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before timed to be taken. Hq were advanced to the front line and remained with the leading Coys throughout subsequent operations. A halt of 1 hour 40 minutes at this point allowed reorganisation. There was little shelling the enemy having engaged in withdrawing its guns. At 7.50 am the Btn advanced to the second objective in the altered formation laid down. This objective represented a further advance of 1000 yards, A and B Coys remained in the front line attack. Before the attack had advanced 150 yards, it was held up by machine gun fire from Railway Triangle and a redoubt on the right. This redoubt was outside our area, but Capt Martin MC seeing that the Division on our right were swinging away from the redoubt, instead of attacking it, at once organised two parties to storm it. With 2Lt A C Hay he led these parties and captured the redoubt, both Officers unfortunately being killed in doing so. Their efforts coupled with the arrival of a tank, which advanced against Railway Triangle enabled the Btn to move forward and take the second objective.
A telegraph was sent to Mr Martin, 61 Queens St Edinburgh, "Deeply regret to inform you Capt J Martin, Gordon Highlanders was killed in action April 9th The Army Council expresses their sympathy."
John’s will states that his estate of £122 9 5, was to go to his Father. James Martin Solicitor Supreme Courts of 13 Forbes Rd Edinburgh. All his personal effects were sent home, and collected by his father. In a letter dated 5th May 1917, the following items are sent home,
1. 1 Identity disc. 2. 1 Cheque book. Another letter also dated the 5th May 1917,says,
"Sir, I am directed to inform you that a report has been received which states that the late Capt J Martin 8th Gordon Highlanders, is buried at Blangy Cross roads, North East of Arras. The grave has been registered in this office, and is marked by a durable wooded cross with an inscription bearing full particulars. John Martin is buried in Cabaret-Rouge British Cemetery, Souchez, Pas de Calais France, XVII. J. 48. Portraits of John Martin can be found in, Watsonians who served in the Great War and the University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour. His medals were sent to his father at 61 Queens St Edinburgh, which appears to be his offices on the 9th August 1917. His Military Cross was sent on the 15th June 1917. To my knowledge only his Memorial Plaque survives."
John joined the Army on the 14th August 1914, and was granted a temporary commission as 2Lt on the 26th August. In the Gordon Highlanders. He had also expressed an interest in the Cameron Highlanders and the Highland light Infantry. At his time of enlistment he was living at 13 Forbes Road, Edinburgh.
On enlistment the following details are given, Age 25. Height 72 ¼ inches. Chest max 38 min 36. Weight 168. Hearing good. Teeth up to standard. Vision 6/6. Colour vision normal. Described as fit. Promotion details. T 2/Lt “6th Aug 1914, Lt 10th June 1915, Capt 14th April 1916. Original served with the 8th Gordon Highlanders before the amalgamation into the 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders, on May the 11th 1916. He went to France on the 12th March 1915 and is listed as Capt in A Coy, on the 11th May 1916.
War Diary for the 30th Jan 1917.
On the night of the 29th/30th a raid was carried out by B and D Coys on the Butte De Warlencourt and the Quarry. At midnight the two assaulting Coys, clad in white smocks and with whitened steel helmets moved up into position along tapes which were laid the night previously by Capt Martin and Capt Priday. Lt Mutch was in command of B Coy with 2Lt Kemp, 2Lt Walker, 2lt Hafford. Lt Kenyon was in command of D Coy with 2Lt Knowles and 2Lt Farster. Some difficulty was experienced in getting the men into place, but this was accomplished safely, by 1.30 am. The German wire was all cut by artillery and gaps were made in our own. During all this time there was practically no shelling by either side. Prompt to a second to zero 1.45 am our artillery of all calibres placed an intense barrage on the enemy trench in front of Butte, stokes guns, medium trench mortars and machine guns assisted. Immediately the artillery started the assaulting waves (2) commenced to cross no mans land at zero +1 minute the barrage lifted at the rate of 50 yards per minute. Practically no opposition was offered to our advance with the exception of the left flank which was held up for a short time by a MG on the left of the quarry. The waves moved steadily forward and reached the Butte after 10 minutes. The ground was in a very bad condition and full of enormous craters. B Coys objective was the Butte and dugouts in it. The right of B Coy encountered a German post and held by six men that immediately surrendered. They then entered the Butte Trench and discovered a deep dugout and trench mortar emplacement with gun in position. This was destroyed and dugout bombed. The left flank and centre of B Coy saw no trench before reaching the Butte, there they discovered several dugouts. The occupants were called upon to surrender those in the first refused so several mills were throw in one or two P bombs and a stokes bomb were thrown in, wrecking the dugout and setting it on fire. One prisoner was got out of the second which was treated similarly to number one. In the third 12 prisoners were captured and it also was wrecked. D Coys objective was the Quarry. This was reached after a short time, owing to the activities of a machine gun on the left edge. This gun was knocked out and then the advance was continued to the Quarry. Her many Germans were discovered and killed. One dugout in the right hand corner was successfully bombed. Six prisoners were reported to have been captured, but they never reached our Adv Btn Hq. The whole raid was a great success in all 17 prisoners passed through our hands. According to all reports many casualties were inflicted on the enemy. Its calculated that these amount to 50 or 60 all told. Our casualties were slight amounting at the very outside to be 16 or 17. There were three Officers, two 2Lt Farster and 2Lt Walker slightly wounded and 2Lt Knowles missing believed killed. The enemy did not put up a fight at all. No barrage was placed on our lines and no SOS signal were seen. It is thought that owing to the quietness that they were absolutely deceived as to our intentions and no thought of our attack occurred to them. On the admission of one of the prisoners who spoke a little English, it came as a complete surprise. The following message was received from the Div. The GOC congratulates you and your brigade on the operation so successfully carried out.
Brig Gen Marshall adds. I wish to thank all ranks for the trouble taken in preparing for the raid, and gallantry displayed in the execution. About 3.15 am the dugouts on the Butte were blazing merrily at this hour an explosion occurred there and flames rose about 30 feet in the air, bombs and SAA were also heard exploding, at 10 am this morning the Butte was still smoking.
Capt Martin was awarded the Military Cross for this action, it appears in the London Gazette on the 12th March 1917. His citation reads,
`For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed marked courage and ability in organising the arrangements previous to a raid. Later, during the raid, he personally supervised the guiding of the assaulting troops`.
The Battle of Arras
At 2.30 am on the 9th April 1917, the Btn began to move forward to assembly trenches for the attack. The Btn was reported in position at 4.30 am, one hour before zero, no casualties having occurred and the enemy’s suspicions apparently not having been aroused. The position of the Btn as follows- A Coy under Capt John Martin MC, right front. B Coy under Capt W McCall, on the left front. D Coy under 2Lt B Burnett, in support. C Coy under Lt P Booth, in reserve. Strength Officers 20 OR`s 702.
At 5.30 am Zero our barrage opened with a thunder of sound and our support and reserve Coys moved out of their trenches. At 2 minutes in accordance with the plan, the front Coys climbed from their trenches and moved forward. The movement was made in perfect order, a tendency on the part of the men to follow our barrage too closely being the only problem calling for Officers control.
The enemy’s SOS signal was put up about 30 seconds after zero, and a field gun barrage was put down on our front line and communication trenches about 3 minutes later, causing a few casualties to C Coy before they got over the front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before opposition was passable. From this point until the taking of the 1st front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before forward behind the barrage with perfect steadiness and splendid courage. front line, and the two front Coys dashed into the enemy first line before timed to be taken. Hq were advanced to the front line and remained with the leading Coys throughout subsequent operations. A halt of 1 hour 40 minutes at this point allowed reorganisation. There was little shelling the enemy having engaged in withdrawing its guns. At 7.50 am the Btn advanced to the second objective in the altered formation laid down. This objective represented a further advance of 1000 yards, A and B Coys remained in the front line attack. Before the attack had advanced 150 yards, it was held up by machine gun fire from Railway Triangle and a redoubt on the right. This redoubt was outside our area, but Capt Martin MC seeing that the Division on our right were swinging away from the redoubt, instead of attacking it, at once organised two parties to storm it. With 2Lt A C Hay he led these parties and captured the redoubt, both Officers unfortunately being killed in doing so. Their efforts coupled with the arrival of a tank, which advanced against Railway Triangle enabled the Btn to move forward and take the second objective.
A telegraph was sent to Mr Martin, 61 Queens St Edinburgh, "Deeply regret to inform you Capt J Martin, Gordon Highlanders was killed in action April 9th The Army Council expresses their sympathy."
John’s will states that his estate of £122 9 5, was to go to his Father. James Martin Solicitor Supreme Courts of 13 Forbes Rd Edinburgh. All his personal effects were sent home, and collected by his father. In a letter dated 5th May 1917, the following items are sent home,
1. 1 Identity disc. 2. 1 Cheque book. Another letter also dated the 5th May 1917,says,
"Sir, I am directed to inform you that a report has been received which states that the late Capt J Martin 8th Gordon Highlanders, is buried at Blangy Cross roads, North East of Arras. The grave has been registered in this office, and is marked by a durable wooded cross with an inscription bearing full particulars. John Martin is buried in Cabaret-Rouge British Cemetery, Souchez, Pas de Calais France, XVII. J. 48. Portraits of John Martin can be found in, Watsonians who served in the Great War and the University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour. His medals were sent to his father at 61 Queens St Edinburgh, which appears to be his offices on the 9th August 1917. His Military Cross was sent on the 15th June 1917. To my knowledge only his Memorial Plaque survives."

80135 Gunner
Tom Cyrus Oldham
175th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
11th August 1917, aged 30.
Plot II. E. 15.
Son of Frank and Mary Oldham of Haughton; husband of Emma Oldham of Denton and commemorated on her gravestone in Denton Cemetery.
His headstone bears the inscription "To Live In The Hearts Of Those We Love Is Not To Die"
Tom was a warehouseman at Cheetham's hat-works in Hyde, Cheshire. He enlisted with the Royal Garrison Artillery on 8th December 1915 and was shipped to France on 5th October 1916. He was killed in action on Saturday morning 11th August 1917. Sergt. Strike wrote to his widow, "Poor Tom met his death about 8.30am this morning. He along with his section were stood near the gun when a shell burst close by killing two and wounding four... he died immediately. He was ever ready to do anything and was an asset to the battery... (he) was loved and respected by all."
His grave is adjacent to that of James William Lythgoe of Burnley Road, Failsworth who was killed at the same time. The son of Mrs Olivia Billington, he was a packer at the cotton mill who enlisted on October 15th 1914 aged 23 and died of wounds.
Picture and additional Text courtesy of Philip Miller (Great Nephew to Tom Cyrus Oldham)
Tom Cyrus Oldham
175th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
11th August 1917, aged 30.
Plot II. E. 15.
Son of Frank and Mary Oldham of Haughton; husband of Emma Oldham of Denton and commemorated on her gravestone in Denton Cemetery.
His headstone bears the inscription "To Live In The Hearts Of Those We Love Is Not To Die"
Tom was a warehouseman at Cheetham's hat-works in Hyde, Cheshire. He enlisted with the Royal Garrison Artillery on 8th December 1915 and was shipped to France on 5th October 1916. He was killed in action on Saturday morning 11th August 1917. Sergt. Strike wrote to his widow, "Poor Tom met his death about 8.30am this morning. He along with his section were stood near the gun when a shell burst close by killing two and wounding four... he died immediately. He was ever ready to do anything and was an asset to the battery... (he) was loved and respected by all."
His grave is adjacent to that of James William Lythgoe of Burnley Road, Failsworth who was killed at the same time. The son of Mrs Olivia Billington, he was a packer at the cotton mill who enlisted on October 15th 1914 aged 23 and died of wounds.
Picture and additional Text courtesy of Philip Miller (Great Nephew to Tom Cyrus Oldham)

Frederick Nigel Parbury
20th Battery, Royal Field Artillery
10th May 1915, aged 35.
Plot XVII. B. 5.
Son of Mrs. H. Parbury, of 29, Harrington Gardens, Kensington, London.
Frederick Nigel Parbury
20th Battery, Royal Field Artillery
10th May 1915, aged 35.
Plot XVII. B. 5.
Son of Mrs. H. Parbury, of 29, Harrington Gardens, Kensington, London.

G. F. Pauling, M. C.
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
25th March 1918.
Plot VIII. R. 46.
G. F. Pauling, M. C.
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
25th March 1918.
Plot VIII. R. 46.

Francis Burton Pitts
3rd Bn. attached to 8th Bn. Leicestershire Regiment
17th May 1917, aged 27.
Plot XVI. G. 7.
Son of the Rev. Canon Pitts, of The Rectory, Loughborough.
Francis Burton Pitts
3rd Bn. attached to 8th Bn. Leicestershire Regiment
17th May 1917, aged 27.
Plot XVI. G. 7.
Son of the Rev. Canon Pitts, of The Rectory, Loughborough.

Reginald Van Taerlingh Ranney
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
28th March 1918, aged 35.
Plot VIII. Q. 12.
Son of Maude M. Clark (formerly Ranney), of 4, Rue Eugene, Labiche, Paris. and the late Edward H. Ranney.
His headstone bears the inscription "With Dauntless Courage Gave His Life For An Ideal. In Every Loving Memory, Mother"
Reginald Van Taerlingh Ranney
3rd Bn. Grenadier Guards
28th March 1918, aged 35.
Plot VIII. Q. 12.
Son of Maude M. Clark (formerly Ranney), of 4, Rue Eugene, Labiche, Paris. and the late Edward H. Ranney.
His headstone bears the inscription "With Dauntless Courage Gave His Life For An Ideal. In Every Loving Memory, Mother"

Second Lieutenant
Guy Edward Rawlinson
1st/3rd Bn. Cambridgeshire Regiment
23rd July 1916, aged 29.
Plot VIII. J. 33.
Son of Robert Wynter Rawlinson and Elizabeth Bula Rawlinson, of 107, Montpelier Rd., Durban, Natal. Born at Mooi River, Natal. Also served in South West Africa.
Guy Edward Rawlinson
1st/3rd Bn. Cambridgeshire Regiment
23rd July 1916, aged 29.
Plot VIII. J. 33.
Son of Robert Wynter Rawlinson and Elizabeth Bula Rawlinson, of 107, Montpelier Rd., Durban, Natal. Born at Mooi River, Natal. Also served in South West Africa.

Leonard St. Clair Read
11th Bn. Essex Regiment
20th December 1916.
Plot VII. G. 12.
Leonard St. Clair Read
11th Bn. Essex Regiment
20th December 1916.
Plot VII. G. 12.