GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 49.92877, Longitude: 3.33092
Location Information
Sequehart is a village in the Department of the Aisne, 8 kilometres north-east of St. Quentin, and the Sequehart British Cemeteries No. 1 and No. 2 are just south of the road to Levergies.
Visiting Information
The location or design of this site make wheelchair access impossible.
Historical Information
Sequehart was captured on the 3rd October 1918, after three days' fighting, by the 5th/6th Royal Scots and the 15th Highland Light Infantry (32nd Division).
There are now 62, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, 4 are unidentified. All fell in the first ten days of October 1918.
The cemetery covers an area of 397 square metres.
The cemetery was designed by William Harrison Cowlishaw
Total Burials: 62.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 58. Total 58.
Unidentified Casualties: 4. Total 4.
40198 Private
George Alfred Beard
1st Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment
3rd October 1918.
Row B. 8.
George Alfred Beard
1st Bn. Dorsetshire Regiment
3rd October 1918.
Row B. 8.
60185 Private
Alexander Burgess Davidson
5th/6th Bn. Royal Scots
2nd October 1918, aged 18.
Row A. 32.
Son of Louisa Davidson, of 26, Bonaly Rd., Edinburgh, and the late Charles Davidson.
Alexander Burgess Davidson
5th/6th Bn. Royal Scots
2nd October 1918, aged 18.
Row A. 32.
Son of Louisa Davidson, of 26, Bonaly Rd., Edinburgh, and the late Charles Davidson.
49541 Private
Hugh Higgins
5th/6th Bn. Royal Scots
2nd October 1918.
Row A. 44.
Hugh Higgins
5th/6th Bn. Royal Scots
2nd October 1918.
Row A. 44.