GPS Coordinates - Latitude: 50.79053, Longitude: 2.88969
Roll of Honour
Listed by Surname
Location Information
Somer Farm Cemetery is located 6.5 Kms south of Ieper town centre on the Hollebekestraat, a road leading from the Rijselseweg (N365), connecting Ieper to Wijtschate and on to Armentieres.
From Ieper town centre the Rijselsestraat runs from the market square, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort) and directly over the crossroads with the Ieper ring road. The road name then changes to the Rijselseweg.
On reaching the village of Wijtschate, Hollebekestraat is reached by turning left from the N365. The cemetery itself is located 70 metres along the Hollebekestraat on the right hand side of the road.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access is possible via the main entrance.
Historical Information
Wytschaete (now Wijtschate) was taken by the Germans early in November 1914. It was recovered by Commonwealth forces during the Battle of Messines on 7 June 1917, but fell into German hands once more on 16 April 1918. The village was recovered for the last time on 28 September.
Somer Farm Cemetery (also known as Somer Farm Cemetery No.1 - the burials in Somer Farm No.2 were removed to Wytschaete Military Cemetery) was begun in June 1917. It was used until March 1918 and again in October 1918.
The cemetery contains 91 First World War burials.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 66, Australia 24. Total 90.
The cemetery was designed by W H Cowlishaw.
Somer Farm Cemetery is located 6.5 Kms south of Ieper town centre on the Hollebekestraat, a road leading from the Rijselseweg (N365), connecting Ieper to Wijtschate and on to Armentieres.
From Ieper town centre the Rijselsestraat runs from the market square, through the Lille Gate (Rijselpoort) and directly over the crossroads with the Ieper ring road. The road name then changes to the Rijselseweg.
On reaching the village of Wijtschate, Hollebekestraat is reached by turning left from the N365. The cemetery itself is located 70 metres along the Hollebekestraat on the right hand side of the road.
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access is possible via the main entrance.
Historical Information
Wytschaete (now Wijtschate) was taken by the Germans early in November 1914. It was recovered by Commonwealth forces during the Battle of Messines on 7 June 1917, but fell into German hands once more on 16 April 1918. The village was recovered for the last time on 28 September.
Somer Farm Cemetery (also known as Somer Farm Cemetery No.1 - the burials in Somer Farm No.2 were removed to Wytschaete Military Cemetery) was begun in June 1917. It was used until March 1918 and again in October 1918.
The cemetery contains 91 First World War burials.
Identified Casualties: United Kingdom 66, Australia 24. Total 90.
The cemetery was designed by W H Cowlishaw.
Images in this gallery © Geerhard Joos
Images in this gallery © Werner Van Caneghem
Somer Farm Cemetery, with, in the foreground, the grave marked with the white wooden cross (right) of Lance Corporal William Edward Alchin of the 53rd Battalion Australian Infantry, of Gunning NSW, who was killed in action on 14 March 1918. To the left is the grave of Lance Corporal Jones. The third cross from the left in the background marks the grave of Driver Rupert Sykes Hinson of the 55th Battalion Australian Infantry of Surry Hills NSW, who was killed in action on 14 March 1918 and the grave in the right background is that of Corporal Raymond Paul Brett of the 2nd Brigade Australian Infantry of Sydney NSW, who was killed in action on 8 January 1918.